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Grant Amount
​Clan MacKinnon Society offers three grants awarded annually. Each grant applicant can apply for up to $400 in funds. The funds awarded are based on strength and merit of the application, and cost of the endeavor for which the applicant is seeking funds. 

Grant Ideas 
Each grant application should seek funding to support an endeavor that is in some way MacKinnon-related or Scottish in nature. 

  • Interested in learning Gaelic? How about lessons, or purchasing some language training software or other resources?

  • Attending workshops related to Scottish history, culture, music, cooking?

  • Interested in genealogy research? How about a DNA test kit, an membership, or the services of a professional genealogist?

  • Working on your heraldry and coats of arms and in need of some extra funds to help you?

  • Hosting a local Scottish or MacKinnon event like a Burns Supper, potluck, or other type of social get-together? (Other than hosting a clan tent at a Highland Games as we have clan tent stipends to support you in that.)

  • Learning the bagpipes? Participating in Highland dance?

  • Looking for whisky tasting club start-up funds?

  • Want to give back by organizing a Scottish/MacKinnon-related service project such as a trail clean-up, refurbishment of historic signage, sprucing up a local meeting hall, etc.? Need some clean-up or painting supplies for the project?

We hope some of the ideas above might inspire you to apply for a grant. And, of course, maybe you've come here to apply because you already have a special project, personal endeavor, or something else in mind. We look forward to reading your application!

Eligibility & Requirements

  • All Society members are eligible to apply. 

  • If awarded, you should plan to use the funds by December of the year in which you are awarded.

  • Awardees will be required to write about how they used their grant for an article to be published in the winter edition of the Shank Bone (Clan MacKinnon Society's quarterly e-newsletter).

  • Recipients will return, in full, any grant received if they do not utilize it for which it was intended or have not used it by December of the year in which it was awarded. In case of injury or illness, an exception may be made upon petition to the Grants Committee with full explanation of the circumstances.

The deadline for applications was April 30, 2024. We will accept applications again in spring 2025. Please email us if you have any questions. 

Past Grant Recipients

A running list of past grant recipients and how they used their funding can be found at this link

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